Let’s imagine that you’re putting the finishing touches on your application, when you suddenly realize one thing: You wish to add in the ability to modify a device’s build.prop directly from the app.
Yes, this is far from applicable to every app developer. However, quite a few classes of apps could make use of the ability to modify a device’s build.prop such as tools that allow users to change what device an end user’s phone identifies as, or an app that just gives users the ability to modify the build.prop directly themselves.
Now, if you’re currently developing your application and would like to bake in the ability to modify the build.prop file, you could obviously figure out how to do it yourself. Alternatively, you could check out an open source library created by XDA Senior Member Tezlastorme geared at helping you add exactly that functionality into your own app.
Created out of necessity when Tezlastorme needed but couldn’t find such a library himself, he decided to spare future developers from having to reinvent the wheel in their projects. In his own words:
Over the past few days I have been working on making a library that makes it easier for app developers to edit the build.prop file from their applications. I decided to make this library when I needed to edit build.prop from within an app I’m developing and I couldn’t find a library to make this simple. So, after I had worked out how to do it and tested the code in my app, I made it into a library, because I think this will help quite a few developers.