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[GUIDE]Unlock Bootloader - Moto G (2nd Gen)

Utsav Verma / / 0

NOTE: Unlocking the bootloader will Wipe/ factory reset your device, and will delete all personal data from your device such as apps, photos, messages, and settings.


  1. Make sure to take a backup of your entire device data.
  2. Download the Android SDK OR Download the Minimal ADB and Fastboot 
  3. Install the latest Motorola USB Drivers on your desktop. Download here.
  4. Put your device in fastboot mode (power off, then press the power and volume down buttons simultaneously).
  5. Open Command Prompt on androidsdk/platform-tools/ (Hold Shift and right click and press open command window here)
  6. Connect your Phone to PC
  7. Type this in the CMD prompt window - fastboot oem get_unlock_data
  8. You will get a return string. Copy it. [Right Click-Mark- Mark the text by pressing the shift key-Now press Ctrl+C]
  9. Paste all the lines together in a notepad. Remove the empty spaces.
  10. Now go to the Motorola Site.Sign in using your Google account or Motorola ID. Scroll down the page and paste the copied string in the field at step #6. Then click on ‘Can my device be unlocked?’, after which a "REQUEST UNLOCK KEY" button will appear at the bottom of page.
  11. To get your unlock key, select the ‘I Agree’ option. Note: You will receive an email with your Unlock Key at the email address you used to log in there.
  12. Important – Copy the 20-character key that Motorola sent you via email. Make sure your device is connected.
  13. Then in CMD type: fastboot devices (To check your device is connected)
  14. Then type: fastboot oem unlock UNIQUE_KEY

    NOTE: In above command, replace the word ‘UNIQUE_KEY’ with the unlock code that you got via email. Then hit enter and the unlocking process should begin. Wait for a while and soon you’ll see ‘Bootloader Unlocked’ warning on your Moto G(2nd Gen).

    To relock the bootloader:

    Go to Fastboot and give the command fastboot oem lock

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Good Day 

Utsav Verma

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