Free Android Tricks


Fonts Pack for All Android Mobiles

Utsav Verma / / 0
Info: These fonts are full flashable zips and will replace all containing stock Roboto fonts. These work on any device running a 4.x.x ROM with Sense 5/5.5 and AOSP/CM/GPE/MIUI/OPPO and are tested by me before releasing them.

Instructions: Download the zip file of your preferred font style, reboot in recovery, wipe cache/dalvik cache (optional), flash the zip file and reboot.

Revert: If you want to revert to stock fonts here is the zip file with the stock Roboto fonts from the 4.3 base ROM. Download Stock 4.4.2 Fonts

Requests: I can make a flashable zip file of the fonts you like, as long as you provide me the download link of the .ttf file/s.

Utsav Verma

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